Saturday, June 29, 2013

We are here!

"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!"  Psalm 126:3
fun with our new parachute!

Thank you, Jesus, for our first full day in Rehoboth.  What a joy to be with these beautiful people!
Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'm going to share lots of photos of our first day with the staff and children at the Ark Care Point in Rehoboth, Namibia, run by Christ's Hope International.  We have been so blessed by our hosts, Calvyn and Ida Isaacs.  They are amazing people of a deep and passionate faith, willing to do whatever the Lord asks of them.
We began the day with staff devotions... oh how we enjoyed worshipping with them and hearing their beautiful voices!  Then we opened up 4 large suitcases full of gifts for the children and staff of the Care Point.  We had so much fun giving them to the staff, and even showed the caregivers how to have fun with the parachute!
Our favorite part of the day was when the children arrived to the Care Point after school for their hot meal and fun and games with us.  This Care Point has 50 children that come to it on Mondays-Fridays, and these children are carefully selected as those most in need in their village.  Most are living with aunts, grandmothers, etc. and would otherwise not have a home, food, or education if it weren't for the assistance Christ's Hope gives their foster families.

 Thank you for the new soccer balls, Pastor Michael!
 Auntie Joanna fixes all our delicious food!

Once the children arrive (they walk from their various schools, some very long distances), they eat their meal and then have time with the caregivers.  Fridays are a fun day, so it was the perfect first day to spend with them!  We had several stations: tie dye shirts, parachute fun, play dough, pipe cleaners, necklace making, and crawling through a fabric tunnel.

Amazing how much fun you can have with pipe cleaners!
Impromptu eye-glass clinic!  :-)

The tie dye shirts were definitely a hit!

Please pray for us today as we go on home visits with the staff to many of these children's homes.  It will be a difficult experience for us, no doubt, seeing the extreme poverty and difficult situations these children come from that our Western minds cannot even fathom.  Ask the Lord to prepare our hearts for what we will see.  And pray that God will give us eyes to see these children and their families as He sees them, hearts to love them as He loves them, and compassion to serve them as Jesus came into the world to wash the feet of the ones He loved.  Jesus died for each of them.  Pray that those who have not already would turn to Him as Lord and Savior, and that they know the deep, deep love of the Father for them, the One who created them for His glory.
Lord willing, I will share with you about it tonight.


  1. Looks like God sent our best to theirs.

  2. Thanks for sharing day one with us - you are all in our prayers! We love and miss you! Mom, Caleb, Courtney and Joshua
