"A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25
What a day of extremes! After a morning of home visits to the poorest of the children attending the Care Point, Calvyn and Ida took us in the afternoon to the dam at Oanob Lake. It was beautiful! A much-needed relaxing evening after seeing such severe poverty all morning.
As we drove into the resort area, we could see a giraffe off in the distance, just out in the wild, enjoying the vegetation! There were also four ostriches on the side of the road. So amazing to see these creatures outside of a zoo!
Most of all, it was a joy to see the Isaacs family relax and unwind as they serve in a very difficult ministry caring for the least of these and battling the Enemy on every front. They have left everything behind, selling all their possessions several years ago, to follow God's voice into His work. As you and I both know, our God is faithful, and so He has provided for every need for them at the proper time.
With their son, who is one of the caregivers (we left their little girl to play at a friend 's home for the day)
I ordered a lemonade...and discovered it is their version of Sprite :)
While at the dam, we decided to take a boat ride, a first for Ida!
On the boatride, we saw a bunch of baboons climbing the hillside around the lake, but they were too fast for our cameras! It was an absolutely beautiful time on the water.
That evening we wanted to do something special for our gracious hosts, so we treated them to a nice dinner at the resort. Three of the caregivers were there as well, so it was truly a joy to get to bless them with something they would otherwise not afford to do. You can be sure we enjoyed the opportunity to eat at an African restaurant, too! Delicious!!
The young lady on the left was spending her last day with them before moving to a new job,
and the young lady on the right is the daughter of the wonderful cook at the Care Point. Both are caregivers.
Of all things, we were seated next to a table full of Americans. At one point they broke out into patriotic songs! Home is never far away. :)
We closed the evening enjoying a beautiful sunset. I wish each of you could see the gorgeous starlit Namibian sky at night. As I hang laundry to dry at night, I attempt to breathe the beauty in.
Thank you, Father God, for this beautiful corner of the world You created and have allowed us to enjoy, how you have filled it with Your glory.
"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Psalm 19:1
I am enjoying your posts. God is at work -- and I appreciate your thoughts, words, and prayers as you are there.